Friday, August 30, 2013

Since We Last Spoke....

First off, I want you to play this song as you read the post: RJD2 Since we Last Spoke

I know...I know...I'm sorry. It's been over a YEAR (18 months to be exact) since I last posted on my blog. I have to say I've wanted to pick this up again 1,000 times but its funny how we get inspired to start again (Shout out to the "Broseph" Que's Way, you can check out his blog here). Needless to say, I have a strong competitive spirit for only the best reasons, and I'm BizzacK, with a bunch of posts that I am already working on since so much has happened "Since We Last Spoke" (RJD2, good music man, this album was my sophomore year of college leaving the dorm and heading to the library every DAY...good stuff).

Now, for those who actually found those "three" posts back in 2012 actually entertaining, and for those special people who stumbled upon my blog and actually took my thesis survey (a'-thank-you veddy much), you would and should have expected more interesting stories, tales, and rambles from O'l Jabronicals. I mean really, come on Jabs, pick it up! But it's funny how life works...You think you'll have time to post every week or so, but when the world hits you, you spend months looking for a job, deal with long distance relationships at different points, you realize you are STILL looking for that job, you question your education (a degree for what!??!?), and during all that you ask yourself, "should I do a blog post instead of job hunting?" Forgetttt about was "DO WORK SON" season from May 2012-Jan 2013, and a lot of the places I applied to pretty much responded in the same way: By Not Responding.

(No but really if you are like the majority of people who are dealing with the post-college/real world transition, we are HURTING for approval and direction in our lives for sommeee reason and chances are you are showing Signs of a Quarter Life Crisis like 'yours truly')

BUT, now that I have finished grad school, won that twelve-round battle with Life "The Job Hunter" Sanchez, and currently working down in Philly (for the time being), I feel as though I FINALLY have the time to come back and ramble on about the NEW challenges of being a post-grad, working, "Lost Tsol" (That's my side plug for the ABC Series "LOST" that I finally, in 2013 finished...get it, L-O-S-T/T-S-O-L (~SOULS)!?!?!). I swear I'm still stuck on that damn island...

               (sometimes its just deeper than words...You should have believed him Jack...)

So I'm BACK! And mannn I have a bunch of randommmnessss to tell ya! But it is a good kind of is an entertaining form of randomness...for some, it will provide both relevant and enlightening randomness...and of course, to a very small niche, it will prove to be inspiring and motivating randomness, depending on what you're looking for. As I said way back in 2012, this blog's primary function is to help me get these thoughts from my head and into the minds of others, but it is here also to remind me that soooo many others are thinking the same thoughts and nonsense that dream up at any given moment. That 'Quarter-Life' crisis is legit, but in order for it to be defined as such, one must understand that a 'crisis' in itself is an unprecedented event, an unexpected change in a given scenario, but every crisis has closure, and every struggle has its accomplishments in the long run (crisis management babayy Eat that COMM 655!).

So welcome me back! I have made a personal commitment to give at least one post a week! (or at minimum 3 posts a month) which is a very manageable task! And to all my apparent fans in Eastern Europe/Asia, I say "Wow, I didn't expect much traffic out umm...yea, you and your friends should definitely keep reading! If you comment, I'll do a whole post about why I want to visit there before I turn 30!"

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