Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Apparently, Y.O.L.O....

YOLO (You Only Live Once) was a conversation that my co-workers and I had earlier this morning. Now this phrase it itself is old, but it has recently caught new attention (and a new acronym)  due to Canadian Rapper 'Jimmy Wheels' of Degrassi aka Drake and his song "The Motto", off of his sophomore album Take Care.  Amidst the responses from my friends, the aspect of "living" included everything from eating deep fried bread, to random raunchy sex, to writing papers about good men (madd randommm). However, the premise of "taking chances" still seems to be the motivation of our youth.

It's a pretty interesting time to be young in 2012 (and when I say young, I mean under 30). Everyone has a story where they wished they had the confidence to do something different and take a chance (get that phone number from that girl, go to that party, studied a little harder) and everyone has times were unfortunately, they wish that they didn't go to that party, drink that much, or wake up with that girl you don't know. But isn't "being young" about taking chances and learning from your mistakes? If you don't take a leap then where will you fall in life? I can't say that I'm the most adventurous person per se, but I've had my fun, and I've taken chances with both positive and negative results.  I respect the idea of 'high risk=high reward',  and this can be applied to any and everything that you do. Being timid will not give you extravagant results. We only have megastar entertainers, savvy entrepreneurs, and world leaders because these individuals are the ones who dared to be different from the rest.

(But then you have artist who are quite "open" with their social philosophies)


Now this post isn't loaded to be in favor of drinking, smoking, partying, (I'm actually quite far from any of this) BUT the takeaway should be to "do what you like" and really recognize the potential that life has to offer.   You only have ONE life (no continues, no extra 1UPs, no restarts), so why not break away from the ordinary routines every now and then? Go hang-gliding, write a blog, make music, get that 'championship belt' (if you watch HIMYM then "props"). Basically, do what YOU like and I guarantee your self esteem and satisfaction will be off the charts.  I know society may frown upon the decisions that you make (depending on what it is you want to do) but hey, the only person stopping you is YOU (or the government, they have a lot of power). I love music, I've sung in several A'Capella groups, but I've never taken a real chance at "making music" (writing, composing, producing) and I really have no excuse. Every possible tool is out there for me, and these programs are virtually FREE.  I'm sure that whatever it is you like, there is a way to make it happen (unless you like uniformity and consistency, then by all means, be the best 'Plain Jane' you can be!). It's all about how dedicated you are to making a difference in your life...At the end of the day, YOLO.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Well, let's get this thing started....

I wasn't sure how I wanted to even begin "blogging". I always WANTED  to rant (and I used to A LOT via the early stages of "Thefacebook.com" (if you don't know about "the" then clearly you must be under 18...)) and I missed the "twitter-ship" that sailed a long time ago, so I figured Tumblr would be the next route. Buttttt, something about having an official "blog" was alluring enough to derail me form that particular social media for the moment. SO, with that said, I could give you the long, drawn out, blah blah of what I want to do with this blog, OR, I can just give you this in doses... I will however, give you the basic topic/premise of what I intend to rant about (but these will be fun rants, dont worry):

-Music ( I listen to too much music, so if you are anticipating a specific genre, I will open up your mind)
-Food (I like to eat...food's great)
-Traveling (I want to see as much of the world as I can)
-Academia (wrapping up this Master's degree, so somehow I will find time to keep this up to date)
-Religion (from time to time)
-Dr. BearSwipe: The Relationship Therapist (but that blog is coming on its own)
-Whatever else is on my mind at the time...

Yep. I finally did it...Maybe I'll become a famous blogger and get pizz-aaidd to write this in the future. Or, maybe not. Whatever. Let's just have fun with it....speaking of FUN.

And speaking of FUN.

Hipster POP!! Say WHHAAAA???? I mean I've always been deep on the indy-scene and I am heavy into electro/powerpop/and all that fun stuff (no pun intended) but yea man! To see FUN., Foster the People, and a few others that are grabbing some mainstream attention, good stuff...Never heard of them? check them out  below:

That's pretty much what I was listening to at 3:29am when I decided to create/post my first blog...peep the dedication...